Thursday, May 30, 2013


Review Romans 6:1–13 and answer the following questions in writing: 
o       What must be done with sin before baptism can occur?
                 We must repent of our sin and prepare ourselves. We need to also remind ourselves to never commit the sin again and be obedient. 

o       What events from Christ’s life are symbolized in baptism?
                  Jesus dying on the cross and being risen from the dead are symbols of baptism. We will be resurrected and able to rise again free from sin. 

o       Considering this symbolism, why couldn't someone be baptized by sprinkling?
                     A person needs to be fully submerged in water showing that we are submerging ourselves into living a Christ like life. 

o       What do these verses teach us about how we can maintain the “newness of life”?
                     Through baptism and receiving the gift of the holy ghost, we are given a second chance to live as we should to be able to return to live with Him again. 
o       According to Mosiah 3:19, what part of us would ideally die at baptism?
                     The natural man would ideally die at baptism.
2.    Study Romans 6:14–23. Write a paragraph that describes how we know whose servant we are. Then write a statement identifying the true source of freedom.
            Jesus freed us from our natural man. It is through our choices we make as to he we are servant to. If we are always choosing bad then we are Satan's servant however if we choose the right and follow Christ then we are servants of his. We can know that we are following Christ through the spirit and by the choices we make. 

There is no freedom like the freedom from choosing the right and following the gospel standards. 

Friday, May 24, 2013


2 Corinthians 2: 1-11
Matthew 6: 14-15
D&C 64: 9-10

What were the people of Corinth commanded to do "if any caused grief"?

What blessings do we see if we forgive?

What is the danger in failing to forgive?

The people of Corinth were commanded to forgive. They were also commanded to love one another. We are told to not only forgive but also ask for forgiveness. We also should give love and comfort to those we have caused pain or troubles to.

God will forgive us if we forgive others of their trespasses. It will also help us to have a fulfilling life and peace of mind if we do not hold grudges.

We are told that if we do not forgive others than God will not forgive us. We also must live with the burden of it until we can forgive. It causes a hard and heavy heart. It is worse in the eyes of our Father to not forgive someone than it is to be the trespasser 

Here is a great Mormon message on the power of forgiveness.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

How Christ helps us overcome sin

Corinthians 10:1-14 and Alma 13:28
        How is Jesus Christ like a rock?

** When we follow Christ, we have a firm foundation and know that Christ is the corner stone to the gospel in which we live today. 

**All the challenges that he has given us, are helping us to learn and grow by choosing to follow HIm. 

**If we pray and think of Christ and do all those good things constantly, there is NOTHING that can overpower us and bring us down.

** Rocks that are heavy (with pure knowledge) can not be easily moved

**Christ never waivers from what he believes and neither should we.

**This reminds me of one of my children's favorite primary songs, The wise man and the foolish man. We must think and act like the wise man in order to stand strong. If we waiver and fall away, we will be "washed away"

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Proper Authority & Ministering to the People

Acts 19 & 20

5 Priesthood ordinances that Paul performed
          * Healing the sick
          * Baptism
          * Laying on of hands for the girt of the Holy Ghost
          * The Sacrament
          * Miracles

---What did Paul do for the Corinthian saints because it hadn't been done right the first time?
                   * He baptized them the correct way. They had been baptized but never received the gift of the Holy Ghost. 

---How does this help answer the question many nonmembers have about the need of being baptized when they have already been baptized?
                   * When a person is baptized they are done so in the ordinances of that particular church. We are baptized in the name of Christ in our church and so new members need to baptized with the proper authority by someone who is worthy. 

---In what way did Paul bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost?
                   *Just as Christ did with his apostles and disciples, the laying on of hands with the proper Preisthood power.

---On what day of the week did the saints meet to break the bread? What evidence  is there in John 20:1, 19 for why the Sabbath day was changed?
                   *The first day of the week which is Sunday. It is the day that Christ was resurrected and we remember Him on that day. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Paul's 2nd mission

Acts 16 & 18

            1. Trace Paul’s second missionary journey from Bible Map 13. List the names of four cities he visited, to whom he later wrote epistles. Read Acts 16:6–10; 18:9–11. Write a paragraph explaining the different ways the Holy Ghost directed Paul and his companions during their journey. Write a second paragraph describing how the Spirit has directed your missionary efforts, and one way you could be more directed by the Spirit in your life.


The Holy Ghost directed Paul in his companions by omitting himself from their presence. Paul was directed by the spirit to not go and preach the gospel in Asia. He was also told where to go to do the most good. A vision came to Paul of a man praying for them to come to Macedonia and they immediately went there.  Both times in a vision Paul was led and told where to go to preach and where not to go.

For me personally I try my best to ask those to join me in church. I remember growing up I babysat for a lady that lived next to us. I brought her kids to church with me every Sunday to be an example to her. She never did join the church and neither did either of her two boys. Even though they did not, I feel as though I left an impression in their hearts. Sometimes being a missionary is hard and you will not always find those who are willing to accept the gospel. I remember many times getting letters from my brother who did or who are currently serving missions and the heartache that comes when someone chooses not to join. I try to be an example to my husband and children as well. I invite others to come to church with me.  

2.   Review Acts 16:9–33. Make a list of the reasons Paul was able to preach the gospel so effectively. 
                      *Paul follows promptings immediately
                      *Searched for those that were ready for the Gospel & talked to those around        
                      * He withstood trial and rejection on more than one occasion
                      *Paul didn't lose faith and hope and he testified with power of Christ

      **In what ways did Paul turn his experiences into missionary opportunities?
                 When Paul could have escaped from the jail after the earthquake he didn't  he set his own life aside in order to preach the gospel. It would have been so easy for him to just go however he knew that he had the opportunity to teach and he did not pass that up. 
     **What can you learn from Paul’s missionary experiences?
                  I can learn to never give up hope. I can try to better understand the scriptures so that I can teach others. I should not be afraid to teach those around me or those that may ask questions. He taught me that I need to be a better missionary in my home and teach my young children that they can be missionaries right now.